Virtual Acoustics
Date: Thursday 21/4/22, 2-3pm
Venue: Project Arts Centre, 39 Essex St East, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Duration: 1 hour
Practical introduction to Virtual Acoustics
Dr Eoin Callery (Irish World Academy of Music And Dance, UL)
There is a €5 administrative charge which covers the cost of refreshments on the day.
Through the use of loudspeaker-based virtual acoustics the reverberant conditions of any room, performance or gallery space, has the potential to be radically altered. When using these systems, the audience and performers have the sense that they are hearing sounds in a space other than the actual or expected acoustic of the physical room they occupy.
Facilitated by Dr Eoin Callery (Irish World Academy of Music And Dance, UL), this introduction to virtual acoustics will demonstrate a recently invented system for creating interactive virtual sound environments.* Bring your voice or an instrument and hear yourself in various spaces from around the world, and imagine the artistic possibilities of the future.
This workshop is for a maximum of 8 participants. Participants do not need any equipment but are welcome to bring an acoustic instrument. This workshop is intended for anyone interested in interactive AR/VR applications, musicians, performers, composers, singers, theatre, acoustics, sound processing and audio FX.
* This loudspeaker-based virtual acoustic system was invented at Stanford University by Professor Jonathan Abel, Dr Eoin Callery, and Dr Elliot Canfield-Dafilou. It continues to be developed at Stanford University and at the Irish World Academy of Music And Dance in the University of Limerick.
This event is supported by the Contemporary Music Centre, Dublin.
Here's a short video where Eoin demonstrates some basic changes in environmental acoustic character.
Altering Room Reverberation - Music Current 2022 - Virtual Acoustic Workshop from Eoin Callery on Vimeo.

Eoin Callery is an Irish artist and researcher who develops electroacoustic systems relating to chamber music, performance space augmentation, and sound installation. This often involves exploring acoustic phenomena – especially feedback derived from both real and virtual systems – in live situations, and embedding sounds or gestures into layers of automated live electronic processes. Information about his work and recent performances can be found here at
He holds a BMus from University College Cork (2008), MA from Wesleyan University (2010), and completed his DMA at Stanford University (2016). From 2017-2019 he was a lecturer at CCRMA (Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics) at Stanford University. He is currently a lecturer and the course director for the Composition and Creative Music Practice MA in The Irish World Academy of Music and Dance at the University of Limerick.